Your company is at its best when
your employees are at theirs.

Chronic health conditions are rapidly accumulating among employees.

Obesity-related health insurance claims cost employers up to $93 billion annually.

Clinical depression has become one of America's most costly illnesses.

Employees miss 27 days of work per year.

Employers lose $4,426 per employee, per year.

It pays to invest in your employees.

Employers that fail to prioritize mental health and wellness see:

Low Energy Icon

Decline in employee

Employee Turnover Icon

Increased employee

Work Absence Icon

More absences
from work

Employers that support mental health and wellness see a return of $4 for every dollar invested.

Smiley face

Appreciation is a fundamental human need

Man with fog around the head

When employees feel appreciated and recognized, they are more connected

to their work,
their team, and
their organization.

We are obsessed with employee wellbeing

Just a 2-minute YOKE! per day will:

Man with fog around the head

boost mood & energy

Man with fog around the head

build life long habits

Man with fog around the head

help with stress & anxiety

Bonding Your Employees

Take on a YOKE! daily and see your team flourish with BIG rewards for working together!

Create a bonding experience for your employees and improve their health and wellbeing.

Bonded employees jumping

Why Us?

Because it's been three years since the pandemic, but we're still missing some major aspects of a healthy work-life culture.

Peaceful woman doing yoga

We're changing all that.

Happy woman jumping

Ready to get started?

Sign up below to get early access and be one of the first to join the YOKE! movement... literally.